October 22, 2012

Money Saving Idea


I don't know about you, but I tend to start projects, forget about it then come back when I feel like procrastinating and today I'm procrastinating something chronic. I have a huge assignment due tomorrow that I left until last minute and to make matters worse, I'm feeling horrifically ill and can't get anything to hold my concentration. So instead of continuing on the hair-pullingly frustrating task of completing my report, I thought I'd take this time to give my blog a little TLC.

So what I wanted to talk about today was something miraculous I discovered about a week ago. Now, I have a terrible habit of impulse buying or buying something, anything when I've had a shitty day. I even got to a stage where I would see something beautiful on some beauty blog, look up more swatches and reviews on other blogs then literally the next day go out and buy it and feel fine with it because I'd 'done my research'. It was a sad time. Then about four or five weeks ago I got really into skincare and was desperate to try out some nicer brands, nothing high-end, more mid range really. However, these mid range brands can still end up costing quite a bit when you start adding everything up so I decided to plan my spending. I literally wrote down every cent I had to spend and what it was going to buy with it all the way until mid November and guess what? I stopped needlessly spending money.

This was an absolute godsend for me and my bank account. It's even gotten to the point where I'm reluctant to spend even the money I have planned out. I'm seriously loving this new system I have going and if you too are a bit loose with your purse, I highly recommend giving this a go. I even gave up the opportunity to buy a Chanel polish today, which is something completely out of character for me as Chanel polishes are my loves, but they were sold out in store and I didn't go running for eBay. A great achievement, I assure you.

This is a massive step in the right direction for me so I thought I'd share my little tale with you :)

Have a great day,

Sam xx

P.S. Here is a sneak peek of what I did buy today. I'll hopefully be giving a review on them in a few weeks time :)